Thursday, 15 December 2011

Mark Hoppus in an interview during "AFTER MIDNIGHT" video shoot

So here I have posted the answers of two intriguing  questions. These questions are different in way that not many interviewers ask such questions and the way Mark has replied gives you a real insight of this man's philosophy. Simply WONDERFUL!

Now that you're a father and you've settled down, what is it like playing your old songs? Is it weird?

It's great. I love it. I really love playing those songs. It's like a tattoo: It reminds you of a certain point in your life. It reminds you of where you were when you wrote it, what was going on in your life when you wrote it. Those songs are pieces of a scrapbook of all of our lives. I think that they are really great songs and even though we've been playing some of them for 25 years, every time we go on stage and play them it's still fun.

How are you going to expose your kid to your music? It can get inappropriate at times.

Oh yeah. My son has come on tour a bunch and he's asked why I get to say bad words on stage but he can't. I don't expect my kid to never curse or to say a bad word. My goal is to try and explain to him that there are places where you can say stuff and there are places where you can't say stuff. I put it to him like this: When you are in school and you're on the playground, you can run around and you can be silly and you can scream, you can play tag with your friends. But when you're in the classroom, you have to sit there, and listen to what the teacher is saying, and not raise your voice, and wait for your turn to talk. Bad words are kind of like that. There are places where you can say "f---" and there are places where you can't. The trick of being a human is to learn what that difference is.

TOP ALBUMS of 2011

1.Neighborhoods- Blink-182
2.Everything's Amazing & Nobody's Happy - Candy Hearts
3.Winter Forever - Seahaven
4.Goodbye Lullaby- Avril Lavigne
5.Heart Beats Pacific- Banner Pilot

Other albums that I listened this year
1. Adele- 21
2. All Time Low - Dirty Work
3. Britney Spears- Femme Fatale
3. Coldplay -Mylo Xyloto
4. Fucked Up -Davifd Comes To Life
5.Hawthorne  Heights - Hate
6. Joy Formidable -Big Roar
7. Lady Gaga- Born This Way
8. The Maine-The Pioneer
9. Man Overboard- Man Overboard
10. Manchester Orchestra - Simple Math
11. Panic! at the Disco- Vices and Virtues
12. Patrick Stump- Soul Punk
13. Pianos Become Teeth- The Lack Long After
14. Skyway - Finders Keepers
15. Sum 41 -Screaming Bloody Murder
16. Switchfoot - Vice Verses
17. Tonight Alive- What are yo so Scared Of?
18. Transit - Listen & Forgive
19. Yuck- Yuck
20. Sucker Soundtrack

Other artists that I listened

1. Skylar Grey- Invisible
2. Cults- Go Outside
3. D.R.U.G.S. -If You Think This Song Is About You, It Probably Is
4. Yellowcard - With you Around
5. Simple Plan - Jet Lag
6. Paramore - Monster
7. Mac Miller - Donald Trump
8. Parachute - You & Me
9. Middlenamekill- In The House Of A Witch
10. The Jane Doze - Tegan the Creator
11. fun- We Are Young
12. Finger Elven- Whatever Doesn't Kill Me
13. Architecture In Helsinki - Escapee

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

what is this all about ?!?!

nothing . it's just a by-product of people getting inspired sometimes by someone. or say i have decided to waste my time in a new way(at least it's new for me).

like this man ( ) is amazing. he's just 23, so i still have some time.btw i'm 21.

what's in it for you ??
                                nothing! only if you care about music. i mean i don't care to what you listen. it's not that i'll be shouting "this is the best band ever in the history" or "you should listen this coz i'm listening that!" or "you suck!!"

actually it all boils down to the lyrics and the background of the artist. when i say music, it means songs with meaning,with soul,with purpose, with heart. i'm not here to discuss crappy artists with catchy songs and with nothing-to-do-with-your-life lyrics. and what's the difference between a good and a GOD-like artist is where i can't help you out. this what you,only you yourself, will have to figure out. and this takes time. this takes patience. this takes you!


listen to what you want and listen good

for beginner's this is very much me
imgordon’s Music Profile – Users at

i thought of making  a chronicle of my music history. so i have created this.this!. this blog to make me look in my past when i'll be like 5,10 or say 50 years more older,more boring,less wiser,less enthusiastic and feel how i was back then(back now!).  this whole blog is gonna be simple and plainly written.i'll be sharing whatever the heck i will think i have to share.

this is my first blog,my first post. over and out.