Monday, 1 April 2013

My Top 10 Albums of 2012

Finally it is here. After delaying it time after time, I have now managed to rightfully utilise my 'precious'  time to compile this list. Believe me, it's not an easy job and definitely not as easy as it was like last year. As I've grown up, I have noticed two things that has changed in my listening pattern and behavior. First is my grown hesitation to try any new artist. It's like getting saturated with the genre of music that you're already into or the artist that you're already listening. It feels like pasturing into a totally different unknown territory where you are not sure of what you're about to get. It's adventurous, exciting, and boring and time wasting at the same time. The second thing is actually the continuation of the first thing i.e. accepting new artists and sound in a lot more numbers than before. For example, I could never have imagined myself even listening to Muse or The Killers and definitely not giving them time enough to name them on my top 10 list. But the fact that I was listening  to a lot of Radiohead last year, has instilled in me something that I call now 'Too-Rad-to-Ignore' complex. This thing happened to me more than one time last year. With almost all the albums on this list, it was like I had to come back again and again to give them another try because I knew that it were not the albums but me who was not good enough to listen those albums. So yeah, I adapted and now I feel lucky enough that I did and now I can listen to a lot more of awesome music while still enjoying my other old library. Now this is something really amazing.
  1. Battle Born - The Killers  :                                   4.8/5                                                                                                                                          Easily the best of the year. Head and heals above the rest. Though it maybe the weakest The Killers' album yet, but it doesn't stop it from being at the top. Try The Rising Tide and Carry Me Home.
  2. Don't Panic-All Time Low4.5/5                                                                                                                                            Best Pop-Punk album of the year! No wonder it comes from the guys who claim 'Enema of the State' as their favourite all time album. Though this may never achieve the popularity of Enema but it clearly is the closest thing to modern age Enema. Simply sick!Try If These Sheets Were The States and Paint You Wings.
  3. ¡Tré! -Green Day  :                                                                                                                          4.5/ 5                                                                                                                                         Man, this was tough. Never was into the trilogy. But this final instalment did the trick. Right on from the start it feels like you are going to experience something wonderful and by the time you go through the whole album it becomes an instant classic. Try Brutal Love and X-Kid.
  4.  The 2nd  Law - Muse4.5/5                                                                                                                                              Has to be in the top 5. Took me a while to get into the album, partially because of how epic Madness is, but this album is magical. Though people may say that it sounds too much like other bands like Queen or U2, but I would say that this is what Muse are good at. There is no problem for me if a band imitates some other band unless they do it good. And good they have done! This album feels like a U2/Queen album but a lot better ;) and this is why it is up here. Try Prelude and Unsustainable.
  5. Born To Die- Lana del Rey:         4/5                                                                                                                                               Well, this is even strange for me too to place this album this high. I will still not say that I'm a huge Lana fan but this album is for sure one the year's best. Try National Anthem and Dark Paradise.
  6. Living Things- Linkin Park:    4/5                                                                                                                                                   It hurts a bit to place this album this low. At the time of release I thought that this would be definitely in my top 5, but thanks to the now top 5s. But nevertheless it's great. It's just that it has some very low points to counter some of it's really high points. Try Powerless and Lie Greed & Misery.
  7. Handwritten - Gaslight Anthem : 4/5                                                                                         This is the only album on this list which is not at it's right place. Haven't gone through the last quarter of the album yet but maybe after an year or two when I'll look back, this may become one the best of all time! First half, is definitely the best from any of the other album on this list, but it's just that I was never brave enough to rightfully judge the whole album :( . Try Handwritten and Mulholland Drive.
  8. ¡Dos!- Green Day : 3/5                                                                                                              From here on now, I have to just complete my top 10 list. It's a shame that I never managed to get into a lot of albums that I tried this year and one of the reasons is because of the albums like this. Dos has some very good songs but then again, the rest of them are just simply forgettable. Try Nightlife, Amy and Wild One.
  9. Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired - Joyce Manor: 3/5
  10. Floral Green - Title Fight : 3/5
Other albums and EPs of 2012 :

Candy Hearts - The Best Ways To Disappear EP  : 4.6/5  If not for an EP, I  would have placed in my top 5 albums list. This is that good. Try Sick Of It! This EP is so so good ! :)

blink-182- Dogs Eating Dogs EP : 4.5/5
Coheed and Cambria- Afterman: The Ascension
The All-American Rejects - The Kid in The Street
Free Dimensional - Diamond Rings
Kendrick Lamar - good kid m.A.A.d city
Green Day - ¡Uno!

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