Wednesday, 6 March 2013


So just after my last post that I wrote that evening, I went on to a wonderful trip of a lifetime to Lapland. Never ever , had I thought that this trip would affect me to an unknown extent. While, the best part is that I never realized that the trip was that good until after at least one week after the trip. Something happened during the trip and I was shocked to the core of my heart. I needed something new, something beautiful and something big as soon as possible. But since, I confess that I'm so lucky :P , I met someone online and I came to know about The Killers' concert in Helsinki last month. 'For reasons unknown', I got this feeling of attending this concert at any cost, even though I was not so much into The Killers at that time. But fortunately, I had a friend who was into them and quickly agreed upon joining me in the concert. From there on began a journey that has now formed into one of the best and most memorable part of my life and I'm just living it! Right now, I'm listening to a 36 songs playlist of The Killers and Bones is on play.Sorry, I digress.

Yeah, so where was I. Yup, the concert. So we went to the concert. Enjoyed our every second. It took a quite a bit of preparation too. I had actually listened to The Killers for the first time back in 2009. I tried their 'Day & Age' and I found it quite good, but not good enough to get into them. For me, they were a good band, but just didn't fit to my taste. In the back of my head, I had decided that I would give them another try, but didn't know when. But as they say, somethings always come around. Fortunately again, they came back. But again, when they released Runaways, I was already listening to this new album of Gaslight Anthem and I found the vocals quite similar and didn't care about them at that time. But during the start of Decmeber last year, I somehow stumbled upon their new video for ' Here With Me' and man, it was stunning. I listened to it on repeat for many nights. I even downloaded their whole new album. But still their was something that was keeping me at the bay. It was like I never wanted to get into them. They just didn't feel my 'type' of band. While I continued my listening of Radiohead, Bright Eyes and Muse. But, then again, it was like the whole nature was conspiring me into listening The Killers. I was almost about to book tickets for the Muse concert but then somehow I booked this The Killers' concert ( because of the phase I was going through). So, now I was kind of forced to listen to their whole discography because hey, no one goes to a concert without knowing thier songs, right?!

Hence, began a new phase of my life and I've already listened to them for more than 1500 times in a matter of just 3-4 weeks! Still, I don't know how, but it was like, everything  was coming naturally. Everything that I tried, I instantly and unconditionally fell in love with. Starting from Hot Fuss and then Sam's Town, every song that I listened I started connecting my current situation with those songs and it was all for no reason. I realized that the image that I had of this band in mind was completely wrong. They are the perfect Emo band that I want, with sad songs full of craziness and upbeat music. It started with 'Bones' and ' The Rising Tide' and then continued through ' For Resons Unknown', ' Read My Mind' , ' Change Your Mind', ' All These Things That I've Done' and I even began to love the songs I thought were okay before like' Somebody Told Me' and ' When I Was Young'. But I think, the song that really made me a 'fan' of theirs is ' Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll'. And see the luck here, I first listened to this song on my way back to Turku form the concert :/. This song speaks to me the most. Then there are songs like 'On Top' , ' This Is Your Life' and ' Goodnight, Travel Well'. It's songs like these that make me stop loving bands and start worshiping them. See, this is what I look for in a band. Not just only their hits but their misses, that keeps me going and keeps me listening to them more and more. Also, songs like 'Sweet Talk', ' Carry Me Home' and ' Under the Gun' , that I've discovered quite late are some more reasons for me to become a die hard fan of them.

Also, I've realized that their are somethings common in this band too with the other bands that I listen to. First being the perfect music, lyrics and vocals. But the important one is this hidden crazyness, madness and sadness in their songs. This weird heroic tragedy in their songs share the same emotions as with those of Brand New, Radiohead, FOB and MCR. I'm sure, Brandon won't like this comparison if he reads this, because (idk) maybe they want themselves to be more like U2 or something in the sense of success but for me they are much more better than what they think they are. Wow, this song 'Sweet Talk' is so nostalgic! Maybe I should end my blabbering now and think about that person and enjoy the pain I feel while listening to this freaking amazing band.

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