Apparently I'm turning 24 in an hour. With an exam on my head tomorrow, I have found a new way of procrastinating.So why not make a post about usage of being 24 in music world?! I guess lots of artists have mentioned 18(or basically late teens) in their lyrics every now and then, but not that many have used 24( you don't say!). Last year I posted "What's My Age Again?" by blink-182 on my facebook page on my birthday. But I had no song in my mind for being 24. Well, there's this one good song by The Maine but it's a bit too sad for such a happy occasion. So I started looking online for a nice happy song about turning 24 (you don't turn 24 every year, right ?! ). Contrary to my expectations, I actually found a few songs ( some of them being quite good). So here is this post about being 24 along with some "nerdy" interpretation of using 24 in different songs. Here I won't mention the songs with just 24 in their titles( apparently there are shitload of songs with 24 in them or a reference to 24, guess what else is 24? , yeah, hours in a day etc.). Maybe I'll be still missing some songs but I guess this much should do for now ;)
1. The End Has No End - The Strokes
2. No Buses - Arctic Monkeys
3. The Get Up Kids - Overdue
4. These Four Words - The Maine
So that is it. Here are a few songs that mention being 24 , hope you enjoy them and if you have any other suggestions, I am ready to expand this list ;)
1. Preaching At the End of the World - Chris Cornell
2. Old Man- Neil Young
3. Jersey Shore - Promise Ring
5. 24 -Switchfoot
And last but not the least, I discovered this. Made my day! ;)
1. The End Has No End - The Strokes
Now this is crazy! I love this song! I might have listened it over 300 times
by now. One crazy geek fact about this song is that the number of times Julian sings the word "END" is exactly 24! Guess, this makes the song extra special today ;)
2. No Buses - Arctic Monkeys
"Oh and she thinks she's the one but she's just one in 24"
I freaking love this song! Vintage Monkeys at their best! The very first song that came to my mind when I started thinking about this post. With more than 400 plays so far, this song means a lot to me and with every listen, it just gets better and better.
3. The Get Up Kids - Overdue
"Twenty four years overdue,
what kind of role model are you?"
what kind of role model are you?"
Such a beautiful song. I always hum around this line but always thought it was 22. :P
A quite good song. A line about being 24 is the reason it's here in this post!
So that is it. Here are a few songs that mention being 24 , hope you enjoy them and if you have any other suggestions, I am ready to expand this list ;)
2. Old Man- Neil Young
3. Jersey Shore - Promise Ring
I like this song.
4. 4+20 - Crosby Stills Nash & Young
5. 24 -Switchfoot
Now this isn't at all about being 24, but look at the number of times 24 is used. Deserves it's place :P
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