Thursday, 10 April 2014

I will be reviewing a lot more albums now !

This post starts a new era for me and this blog. I have finally decided to take this opportunity of having a blog and review some of my favorite albums. This idea came to my mind when I was going through YouTube looking for reviews of an album (Yeezus) and I found that almost every review was posted around the same time as that of the release of the album and that called for a mind boggling question in my mind. It's beyond my comprehensive power how critics review and rate within first few days of the release of an album. For me, it takes at least around five hundred listens to make my mind if I really like a particular album. I need to absorb these songs under my skin and only then I can say if they deserve my praise. I have tried to review my albums in a new light, in ways that I find myself intriguing and hopefully, you readers will feel the same. My reviews will be more about how discovered particular songs and enjoyed them. Those little strange and hard to believe stories that are behind almost every songs that I love. In this way, I think you will get a better idea of how and why I like a random piece of music or a specific note in a song, as this makes up for a detailed insight of a reviewer's mindset when he or she rates a certain song. Hope you enjoy them.

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